Oil and tempera commission price Guide
Life sized portrait of one subject and rough timescales for completion. (note most custom size requests can be catered for, request a quote for prices smaller or larger than life sized)
£2000 for a head (face, hair and ears)
Timescale - 1-2 Months
£2500 for a head and shoulder
Timescale - 2-3 Months
£3000 for half body
Timescale - 3 Months
£4000 for whole body
Timescale - 4-5 Months
This is a rough fee-guide for a single portrait. Frame price and postage and packaging cost is not included. For multiple subject portraiture and non-standard sizes please ask for a quote.
watercolour commission price guide
Currently offering mini watercolour portraits sized 4"x4" for £50 this may be for a limited time only.
£120 for an A4 Sized Portrait of one subject, no background (white or a colour wash)
Timescale - depending on workload this can usually be completed within 3-4 days
This is a rough fee-guide for a single portrait. Frame price and postage and packaging cost is not included. For multiple subject portraiture and non-standard sizes please ask for a quote.